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I got back from Parrot Palooza on Sunday and had a blast!!! Parrot Palooza is put on each year by the wonderful Bird Paradise in Burlington, NJ. I have never set foot in a nicer store. The event was well worth the drive. If anyone is in the area, I highly recommend checking out Bird Paradise!!!

Needless to say, I spent entirely too much money and enjoyed maxing out my credit card. The entire store was 20% off, and that didn't count the coupons you received upon arrival! I did some major shopping for my fids at home with the help of one of the caique friends I made at the store :) Among other things, I picked up a Large Long Get-A-Grip for my birds which I cannot wait to put up. I love the E-star bird products. I also picked up this really neat foraging toy called Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts. It is built for larger birds but makes a great playstation for a bird enthusiastic as a caique.

The event hosted free seminars all weekend long. I attended seminars by Sally Blanchard and Irene Pepperburg, who also graciously signed my copies of The Alex Studies: Cognitive and Communicative Abilities of Grey Parrots, and The Beak Book: Understanding, Preventing, and Solving Aggression and Biting Behaviors in Companion Parrots. It was wonderful to meet these two people who have impacted so many lives in the avian world.

I gave been busily uploading photos for the better part of the day, and I am sure they will appear on the site sooner or later. As of now, you can view some of the photos over at CCF.

Now I am going to go run and wait for the UPS guy to get here to deliver my new cages!!!

4 Responses to " "

Neddie responded on October 23, 2007 at 8:43 AM #

Hello Amy!

Thank you for your comment on my blog. I've already added your link on my sidebar.

You know what? I've always wanted to keep a caique, but unfortunately in Malaysia, I haven't heard or met anyone keeping one yet. I don't think there's even a caique in my country. :(

Anyway, keep up the interesting posts! Even though I don't get to keep one, it's great to get to read a blog on this wonderful parrot!

sandy responded on October 23, 2007 at 11:39 PM #

thanks so much for your visit...

I'm outta time tonight but will come back and look through your blog...and yes..will link you...

leaving town tomorrow but I should have my laptop with me....

can't wait to go through and see what you have here.


Grump Les Tiltskin responded on October 25, 2007 at 8:55 AM #

Parrot Palooza!?!? I've got to get me over there.

And quick.

Sharon responded on October 25, 2007 at 5:01 PM #

Glad to hear you had fun at the parrot palooza.

Packages in the mail... oh what fun!