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Things are a'changing

The past couple days, if you are one of the rare people who might check the site regularly, you will have noticed the site has been undergoing some weird things. No worries! Thats just me, playing :-) I am putting up a new, easier to navigate format, along with some neat updated features to make Caique Crazy better then ever before. Please hang in there - I only do so much at a time, and often have to walk away from the computer and come back to the project later.

Later on if you see any missing links, any missing pictures, please drop me a line and let me know!

Just a quickee update- the new main page layout is ALMOST done! WOOHOO. I just have to play with the colors a bit more.. because sky blue and light green do not go well. Format a couple more things, and all should be ready! I will be making some small changes to the format of the internal pages as well, so look for those too :)

Next on the list- tackle the forum layout. But I think I need a break before my head implodes.

Oh, and some people have been asking what the heck is up with the layout, LOL. Lord of the Rings? Ok, Ok. Here is the scoop-
I found the layout on another free for grabs blog and loved the look. You gotta admit- its pretty darn spiffy. I think its relaxing. I liked it so much I am formatting the rest of the site to match... I am calling it 'The Hobbit meets Victorian Era', lol. We have had so many wild and zany colors, its time for a new look. And I think it fits in nicely with the weather changing- winter is just around the corner folks!

I've started doing a link exchange with other bird related blogs- if you are interested in swapping links, let me know! I really need to kick myself in the butt and get this place up and running... I've been a bit lax about it. Anyhow... thats all for now. Enjoy!


Mary responded on September 20, 2007 at 8:21 AM #


I just linked to your blog at my parrotmusings blog. It showed up on the bottom -- I couldn't figure how to get it on the side.

I am crazy about those caiques!!!
