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Caique Seminar

On July 11th, 10 pm EST, there will be a live caique seminar at

Caique guru John McMichael of has graciously agreed to come and do a live chat with all members interested in attending. The chat will be a roundtable discussion, and should be very interesting! Please come and join us if you want to learn more and are interested in hearing about Mr. McMichaels longtime work with these wonderful birds.

If you are interesting in joining, please:

sign up for an account at
on July 11th, login
hit the chat button in the navbar, and you'll be there!

Remember the chat is at 10 pm EST.

Sponsors for site

I just wanted to take a moment and thank our new sponsors, for helping keep the alive!

You can view their ads on the website. Please take a moment to visit these fine vendors.